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「Volunteer 活動」Tim Cross先生~“Novis2006”より~


Volunteer 活動
Communication and Media Studies Tim Cross

^^^Finding part-time work has become part of the student experience. It is important to learn the skills of job-seeking early, and to be able to find work that suits you. I hope you also think about doing some volunteer work.
^^^Being a volunteer for a NPO or community group will teach you a whole range of skills that will be very useful when you graduate from Fukuoka University. Learning these interpersonal skills by cooperating with groups of people is something that you probably wouldn’t be able to learn from taking a university class. If you do two or three years of volunteer work, you will also build up a network of contacts with a wide range people who will be happy to help you find your way after graduation.
^^^If you do a web search using “福岡” and “NPO,” you will be surprised at the range of possibilities to select.
^^^Good luck for the adventures ahead of you!

